Currently Obsessed With: Kale Chips!

I've been hearing more and more about kale and more specifically, kale chips, lately, so I thought I'd finally take the plunge and try it out for myself! I had never noticed kale at the grocery store before, let alone eaten it, so I really didn't know what to expect. Let's just say I made these kale chips for the first and second time today! When I like something, I tend to kind of be obsessed with it....anyone else crazy like this? ;)

The ingredients I used:
Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
Olive Oil (I used the spray kind)
Seasoned Salt (regular salt would be fine too)
And kale, obviously!

-First, wash the kale and tear off about 2 inch pieces from the stem. 
-Discard the stems. 
-After tearing them off, put the kale pieces in a bowl. 
-Add olive oil (I think a spray is easier so you don't accidentally pour too much and soak the kale) and sprinkle a little bit of seasoned salt and red pepper flakes on top. 
-Mix it up thoroughly with your hands to make sure each piece is coated with the oil and seasoning.

-Lay the pieces out on a baking sheet. Try not to overlap any pieces. I'm able to fit about half a head of kale on a baking sheet.

-Pop them in the oven at 250 degrees for 20 minutes or until all the pieces are crispy.

-Transfer them to a bowl so that you don't look like a fat cow feverishly devouring them straight off the baking sheet like I did ;)

Mine had just the perfect amount of saltiness and spice, and I think they make the perfect snack when you're craving something bad like potato chips. Kale is high in Vitamins K and C, as well as beta carotene, so as long as you don't go to town with the salt, you have nothing to feel guilty about when stuffing your face with these!

When making these, I loosely followed Tessa's kale chip recipe :)




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