Reminders: LORAC PRO Palette Giveaway and Bloglovin'!

Hi everyone! Just a friendly reminder that my LORAC PRO Palette giveaway ends tomorrow at midnight, so get  your entries in now if you haven't already. I'll choose the winner randomly and notify them via email by this Friday. Can't wait to see who the lucky person will be! :) Click here to enter.

Also, unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably all heard about Google Reader going bye-bye this July. Of course, this isn't the same as Google Friend Connect, but I don't think it is unrealistic to assume that GFC may follow suit not long after. I would greatly appreciate it if all of you who currently following me via GFC could make the switch over to Bloglovin' as well. That way, if and when that change does occur, you won't miss out on any posts :) Click here to follow me on Bloglovin'.

I actually just switched over yesterday, and it was super easy to import all of the blogs I was following via GFC into Bloglovin'. No need to do it manually or anything. Jessica from Getting Cheeky has a great, simply tutorial on how to do this in her post.

Hope you all are having a great start to the week!


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