NEW Sigma Advanced Artistry Brush Collection

If you saw yesterday's video, you already got a little preview of the newest brush collections from Sigma...
Well, today I wanted to do a post to accompany my thoughts in that video with some more detailed photos of each collection, as well as some more in-depth info.
*Don't miss some discount details for these kits at the end of the post!

So if you've been with me for most of my YouTube days (can't believe it's been 5 years!!), you know that I've been a fan of Sigma since the very beginning. I love the quality of the brushes and all the different options. So many unique brushes for every makeup technique you could ever imagine.

But I feel like they kind of read my mind with these though... haha. More on that throughout the post...

So the Advanced Artistry Brush Collection is made up of 3 kits, containing 6 brushes each:

Here's a closer look, as well as my more in-depth thoughts on each...

brushes left-right: "Airbrush Blender- F63", "Angled Pixel Concealer- F69", "Detail Concealer- F71", "Angled Buff Concealer- F66",  "Pin-Point Concealer- F68", "Soft Blend Concealer- F64"

You all may have heard me say in videos several times that I often reach for eye shadow/eye liner brushes to use for concealer. I think there are SO many different types of concealers and different ways to use it, that there shouldn't be one particular type of concealer brush. This kit has so many different types that work well with liquid formulas, creams, and all serve their own unique function. Some place concealer more precisely, whereas some work to blend the product over a larger area. Love this.
I've actually had the chance to use most of these, and I'm LOVING the F63 and F69 for small red marks and blemishes and the F64 for blending my under-eye concealer.  

brushes left-right: "Buff and Blend- E39", "Highlight Diffuser- E71", "All Over Blend- E37", "Diffused Crease- E38", "Exact Blend- E32", "Pointed Crease- E48"

 This kit is great for me because I'm always reaching for the same few blending brushes to not only blend, but to actually apply color to the crease/lid as well. So I'm loving that these are different than the traditional fluffier blending brushes. They're all very dense, yet soft, and really blend out harsh edges of color well.  However, they all actually apply the color to the crease area really well too (some more precise than others for every look you'd want), which to me, is important in a blending brush because they apply the color so evenly and soft around the edges in a way where you don't actually have to blend so much. Make sense? Totally does to me...haha. But these are really nice.

 Brushes left-right: "Firm Shader- E57", "Firm Blender- E44", "Wide Shader- E59", "Pencil- E30", "Short Shader- E20", "Cream Color- E58"

This may be my favorite kit. All of these are like cousins of the E55 and E60... Brushes I reach for the most often when I apply color. I've used every single one of these and they definitely live up to their claims. They're all really dense and tapered just right so that they grab a lot of product and transfers the color to the lid so easily. My fav of the bunch is the E59.

 You can also purchase all three in the collective Advanced Artistry Brush Collection for $175 ($189 value).

You can check out every collection HERE and SAVE 10% on your entire purchase by using the code "FALL2013" valid through October 31st!

So what do you guys think? Which kit is your favorite?? Anyone else get as excited as I do for new brushes???

Brush sets provided for consideration by Sigma Beauty with no agreements or obligations to feature or review. 
Post contains affiliates.


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