The Monday Post #3

Monday is by far the gloomiest day of the week for me, followed by Sunday simply because it precedes Monday. Hopefully, The Monday Post will give you some beauty inspiration and help you get through the week! 

Favorite beauty read/viewing: Liz from Beauty Reductionista introduces the idea of a "Later List," and I'm on board. For anyone who has ever struggled with balancing the constant want vs. need for more, her post is a must-read.

Beauty goal: My goal this week is to stop touching my face throughout the day. Seems simple enough, but I have a feeling I may fail miserably. As I sit typing this, I caught myself touching my chin, and surprise, surprise, I tend to have the most breakouts on my chin. Wish me luck!

Product Rediscovery: Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya - I always see it out of the corner of my eye sitting on my dresser when I'm doing my makeup in the morning, and I just recently started using it again and was reminded of how fantastic it is. I find it really moisturizing, and the peachy shade goes with just about everything.

Beauty lust: I have a feeling I'm nearing the end of my much loved Pai Camellia & Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser, and I'm just itching to try something new for my morning cleanse. Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel is currently at the top of my list.

Most looking forward to: Sunshine! Last week was straight up miserable with all the rain (not to mention traffic caused by the rain), so I'm excited for a bit more sun this week, starting Tuesday (more showers on Monday apparently, ugh). To say I miss California weather would be a vast understatement!

Hope you all have a great week!



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