New Year, New Family Room Changes...

Happy New Year Everyone!! I'm so happy that you all have stuck around and shared another great year here!
A new year always brings about new changes--  Fresh feelings, resolutions, and most noticeably... a suddenly very open (and empty) house.
Does that happen to you all?? You take down all of your Christmas decor and feel like you've suddenly been left in a new, open house with tons more space.

Well that change brought about this change in the family room...

Early in December, I found these gorgeous tufted chairs at a local furniture store. I had seen similar ones all over the place online, but I knew there was no way I was going to buy chairs online without sitting in them first. So I was so surprised when I found these there and that they were exactly what I was looking for for this space! You may remember what we had in here before...

These chairs were totally fine, but way to small for the area. They remind me more of dining chairs anyway, and not of a soft, family room-ish chair that screams, "Hey you... You come here to me.  No, no. You come here to me."

5 points if you know where that's from. ;)

But seriously, no one ever wanted to sit on them. I wanted something a bit more comfortable and substantial for the space since that side of the room always felt super unbalanced. These are SUPER comfy.

I love how well they work with the tufted coffee table/ottoman as well.

That shot gives you a better idea of how much better they sort of balanced the area.

Well, that, and my new pretty antique "library table".

This table belonged to my great-grandfather. He was a preacher, and used it as a desk where he would sit and write his sermons. There are still pencil marks underneath it where he would "sharpen" his pencils. Really special.
My Grandma used it in her house for years, then when she moved in with my parents, my mother used it in their basement. She recently gave it to me a few months back and I've been searching for the perfect space for it.

I wasn't originally planning on using it here actually. This came about in literally about 5 minutes.
We took down our tree and moved the chairs over to this space. Then, I put the little white tray table I used originally between them. You may remember (in this post) I had moved it up to the guest bedroom while the tree was up. Well, it was WAY too small. It worked fine with the smaller chairs, but it looked too tiny between these. Plus, it was just too many lighter shades. Using this table crossed my mind, but I was convinced it would be much too large. Turns out, it worked perfectly!

...and I still was able to use my little tray table! Well, a part of it at least. The prettiest part.

The little tray top detached from the bottom so I centered it on the table. I think it works perfectly!

As far as styling everything else, I kept what was actually in the tray exactly the same, and added some lamps from target I've had forever. They were packed up, all sad and unused. I couldn't bear to part with them at our last garage sale. Glad I didn't!
They actually match the lamps on the other side of the room pretty well! These are a bit smaller and not actually glass. The larger ones on the sides of the couch are a bit nicer, but I like the size of these for this space.

Here's a closer shot of the chairs...

Oh and it looks like I found the perfect spot for my new bargain pillows I found recently (more on that in this post).

I'm super happy with how things are coming together in here!

Are you guys in the mood to de-clutter and clean out like I am now that the new year is here?

*post contains affiliate links


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