Brightening Skincare

Aside from acne, my other main skincare concern is a dull and sallow complexion, so, it should come as no surprise that I've developed a rather robust fondness for products that promise to brighten my skin. These are three products that truly deliver.
This is a self-proclaimed "illuminating vitamin facial cleanser" that leaves my skin feeling fresh and supple. I massage the gel/oil into dry skin and remove it with a washcloth in circular motions. Not only does the mini facial massage increase blood flow to my face and awaken my skin, but the cleanser itself has pumpkin enzymes to ever so gently exfoliate off dead skin cells to reveal your brightest and most illuminated skin.

I was lucky enough to win this in a giveaway on NUDE Skincare's Instagram account recently, and oh my, this stuff is good. I envisioned a fizzy powder wash to be drying and likely even stripping, but this is far from it. Every other morning, after dampening my face, I pour out a penny-sized amount of powder into one hand and use the other to massage it into my skin, working in sections, avoiding the eye area. There is a subtle fizzy reaction upon initial contact with wet skin (I like to think it's getting deep in my pores), and as you continue working it in, the fine powder granules work as a physical exfoliant. The best part? My skin feels ridiculously smooth and hydrated(!!!) post-rinse. The overall exfoliating experience is on the more intensive end of the spectrum, which helps my skin to look extra awake and brightened, but admittedly, this may be a tad harsh on sensitive skin types.

With a combination of lactic and glycolic acids, these FAB pads work to exfoliate, tone and brighten in the gentlest way possible. I swipe one pad over freshly cleansed skin nightly, and I experienced a noticeably brighter complexion after just one week. Sensitive-skinned ladies will love these, as they are non-irritating and gentle.

* product won in giveaway


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