The day I turned 29 for the first time...

So some of you may already know that my birthday was a few days ago.
Before I get this post rollin' I've got to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who sent along sweet birthday messages to me. It made me feel so warm n' fuzzy inside! :)
Truthfully, It was probably one of the most relaxing days I've had in quite some time.  I decided to take the day "off".  However, when you do what I do (blogging/YouTube) on the internet, you never truly have a day off. While it's great that I can make my own hours, I'm usually checking my channel, comments, posts, filming, editing, planning, emailing, communicating with companies I'm collaborating with, etc.  Weekends, late at night... all throughout the day, basically. It's truly more work than when I taught full-time (and was in school full-time). Wasn't meaning to get into all that, but that's what happens when I blog sometimes. Whatever comes into my mind sometimes just comes out onto the page.
I LOVE what I do, though. I always have loved the quote, "Love what you do and you will never work a day in your life." So true.

Anyway, my point is, while I was taking the day "off" (not really), I decided to go to our neighborhood pool for the first time. I felt like I was on vacation and the weather was absolutely beautiful.

While I was there, I got a message from a friend telling me the sad news about Talia's passing. It absolutely broke my heart. The rest of the time I was there, I remembered happy memories about our few brief moments we actually were able to spend together when we met at IMATS in LA this past January. She was seriously larger than life. Her personality and positivity were so huge that you didn't really notice she was just a small child. It's so unbelievable what she went through battling cancer at such a young age when kids shouldn't have to worry about life's heavier things like that.  When I was talking to her, I never even thought about that, though. She was so happy and sweet and I had so much fun talking to her, even for just a little while.

While thinking about what she endured, it's so inspiring to see how she handled it and turned it into something positive. Reaching out to so many people, bringing so much awareness to childhood cancer, and touching so many people's lives through YouTube.  We're seriously so blessed to have gotten to know her, even if only through the internet.  She'll always have a special place in my heart.

After the pool, with a heavy heart, I headed back to our house and did some cleaning.  
House cleaning. I know, birthday awesomeness.
I got ready for dinner, Brad came home from work, and we headed out to one of my favorite spots, Stoney River.
As we headed out the door, Brad gave me one of my birthday gifts...

It's by Michael Kors. It's bright gold. It has a chunky chain link band. I'm in love with it!  I had really been wanting a new and fun watch. This one is the perfect mix of being fun, classic, and stylish. 

This is us heading out the door...

Isn't he presh? I've got to make him crash my out-the-door ootd pics more often. ;)

Here's a better shot of my outfit.

Ted Baker Dress, Target shoes, Michael Kors watch, cuffs from, Louis Vuitton Lumineuse PM

You may remember this dress from my post about my recent trip to New York.  It's so comfortable! I knew it had to be my birthday dress. :)

So off we went to Stoney River... Here's a few shots of our delicious noms.

This salad was unbelievably good. Sort of like a "caprese" salad, but with the little peas and fried onions (which Brad mostly ate), it was amazing.

 This was my meal. A filet mignon with mashed sweet potato casserole. These sweet potatoes are basically my favorite thing ever.

 This was Brad's. His steak was crazy huge with some yummy mashed potatoes with shallots. Delish as well.

And finally, Stoney River is awesome and brings you free chocolate cake on your birthday. It was yummy and fudge-y and delicious.

When we got home, Brad gave me the sweetest birthday card ever and these little Kate Spade elephant salt and pepper shakers.

Crazy cute, right?  They look perfect on our kitchen table.

Crappy iPhone pic, but they still look presh.
We then spent a relaxing night at home and watched The Big Lebowski... lol. I can't help it, it's one of my favorites.

So again, thank you all for making my day extra special! I hope you all are having a wonderful week!



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