So this bag has a story... This was a purchase I've contemplated for a very long time now. Chanel handbags are obviously an investment and something that I wanted to be absolutely 100% about before purchasing. My issue was that I wanted a "single flap" version of the Jumbo flap. Which sadly has been discontinued for a few years now. Now, they only sell "double flap" versions of these bags, which essentially look exactly the same from the outside, but they have an extra flap on the interior of the bag. So when you need to open the bag, you have to open two flaps. I also wanted one of the last actual gold plated versions. They stopped actually gold plating the hardware to this particular bag in 2009. So after learning that little fact, I really wasn't happy knowing that the new versions, although gold, weren't actually gold plated. Not that that's a big deal, but just knowing they used to be, made me want one of those.
So knowing this was a big purchase, and something I knew I didn't need to have right away, I kept my eyes open for a preowned one that was in excellent shape rather than spending that much money on something I wouldn't be 100% happy with.
So long story short, I found a great one and couldn't be happier! For the whole story and details on where and how I got mine, check out the video at the bottom of this post!
But first, here's the look...
I love the size of this bag... It easily fits everything that any of my larger bags hold. However, it easily goes from day to night. I love that I can carry it for an evening out as well and not feel like it's too large or "tote-like". It's just really versatile, which was important to me when investing in a handbag like this. You better believe I'll be carrying this baby everywhere!
top- Splendid
denim- 7 For All Mankind
shoes- BCBG
bag- Chanel
So like I said, the bag has a story, so check out my video below for all the details!! WARNING...It's a doozie! haha... There's so much in this one! Not just info about how I got the bag, but a little review on the bag itself, as well as some of my biggest tips on buying anything "preowned". Hope you guys enjoy it!!
See you all right here tomorrow!! The paint saga continues... ;)
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